Free Email Service

Trying to locate or would like further information about a specific wholesale product, equipment or B2B services? Why not give our email service a try!


Every issue of our FREE email newsletter is aimed at providing you with ideas and tips for your business plus keep you up to date with new products and services.

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Last Edited: 21/07/2020

Email Service

-User's & Buyers FAQ

Buyers Questions

Buyers Answers

Can I use the email finder service for all my business requirements?
Yes you can, That's the main purpose of the free email service to help make locating products and services for your business much easier! You can use the email service form, the 'email category' and the 'email advertiser' forms. Read our guide to find out more

Can I use the email service to email all advertisers within a category?
Yes you can, to do this locate the required category within your selected directory area and click the 'Email category' link located at the top of each page within that category. A form will appear for you to complete and submit.

Can I use the email service to email an individual advertiser?
Yes you can, to do this locate the advertiser you wish to contact within the directory and click to expand the contact details below the advertisers logo box, then the email button (if email is available). A form will appear for you to complete and submit.

Can I use the email service to email a selected group of advertisers?
No, we do not offer a facility to email a selected group of advertisers as part of our free email service, we recommend that you use the method above (email advertiser) to email your selected group of advertisers individually.

How often can I use the email service?
You can use the 'free email service', the 'email category' and the 'email advertiser' as many times as needed.

Do you send out email service request via printed post?
No. To keep the email service a free service to all users we do not offer a printed postal service.

What can be done if I sent out the wrong contact details?
If you let us know as soon as you realise the error we might be able to stop and amend the email service request before it goes out, so quickly contact us. After the email service request has been sent out the only thing we can do is send out a "correction" or "cancellation" email service, however the recipient will still be in possession of all received contact methods.
Please note: We are unable to amend details sent out using the directory email advertiser link as this is an instant private email message to the advertiser.

Why did I get a poor response this time?
There can be many reasons for a poor response ranging from seasonal demand, prebooked, size of event, cost or charges etc. Look at how your email request was wrote out, did it give enough information?

Can I use the email service for other business purposes?
The service is solely for organisers of events or functions and advertisers looking to recruit the help of other advertisers i.e. for concessions. If you are looking to email out your business details for any other form of business marketing or advertising purposes the answer is NO AND WILL BE BLOCKED.

What can be done if I encounter abuse of the email service?
If you find that you start receiving enquiries from non advertisers or discover that your details have been publicised elsewhere gather as much information as possible and contact us. As clearly stated in our terms and conditions this is unacceptable and all offending individuals will be removed from receiving email services.

More information
If you would like any further information or have any questions you would like answered we will be more than happy discuss them with you contact us

Link to the Midland Leisure Sales website