Wholesale and Trade - Product Search and Price Comparison - For Event and Leisure Related Businesses
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Click to view product details and reviews for Barton Storage Barton 013086 Louvre Panel Cabinet With Tc1 And Tc3 Containers And 3 Shelves Red And Blue.

This cabinet is ideal for parts storage in a workshop, garage, stockroom or warehouse and offers 3 x shelves w1015 x d430mm with a max capacity of 25kg for plenty of storage options'. '.strtoupper('t')his unit also features a fully recessed handle su...

Price: £931.07Details | Purchase

Click to view product details and reviews for Barton Storage Barton 013088 Louvre Panel Cabinet With Tc1 And Tc3 Containers And 3 Shelves Red Bins.

This cabinet is ideal for parts storage in a workshop, garage, stockroom or warehouse and offers 3 x shelves w1015 x d430mm with a max capacity of 25kg for plenty of storage options'. '.strtoupper('t')his unit also features a fully recessed handle su...

Price: £931.07Details | Purchase

Click to view product details and reviews for Barton Storage Barton Topstore 013068 Louvre Panel Cabinet Red.

This cabinet is ideal for parts storage in a workshop, garage, stockroom or warehouse and offers 120 x tc1 red l90 x w100 x h50mm and 60 x tc3 red l240 x w150 x h132mm for plenty of storage options'. '.strtoupper('t')his unit also features a fully re...

Price: £957.86Details | Purchase

Click to view product details and reviews for Barton Storage Barton Topstore 013070 Louvre Panel Cabinet 120 Red And 60 Blue Bins.

This cabinet is ideal for parts storage in a workshop, garage, stockroom or warehouse and offers 60 x tc1 red l90 x w100 x h50mm 60 x tc2 l165 x w100 x h75mm 60 x tc3 red l240 x w150 x h132mm for plenty of storage options'. '.strtoupper('t')his unit ...

Price: £963.22Details | Purchase

Click to view product details and reviews for Barton Storage Barton Topstore 013072 Louvre Panel Cabinet 120 Red Bins.

This cabinet is ideal for parts storage in a workshop, garage, stockroom or warehouse and offers 60 x tc1 red l90 x w100 x h50mm 60 x tc2 red l165 x w100 x h75mm 60 x tc3 blue l240 x w150 x h132mm for plenty of storage options'. '.strtoupper('t')his ...

Price: £963.22Details | Purchase

Click to view product details and reviews for Barton Storage Barton Topstore 013074 Louvre Panel Cabinet 120 Red And 60 Blue Bins.

This cabinet is ideal for parts storage in a workshop, garage, stockroom or warehouse and offers 120 x tc2 red l165 x w100 x h75mm 60 x tc3 blue l240 x w150 x h132mm for plenty of storage options'. '.strtoupper('t')his unit also features a fully rece...

Price: £981.43Details | Purchase

Click to view product details and reviews for Barton Storage Barton Topstore 013076 Louvre Panel Cabinet 180 Red Bins.

This cabinet is ideal for parts storage in a workshop, garage, stockroom or warehouse and offers 120 x tc2 red l165 x w100 x h75mm 60 x tc3 red l240 x w150 x h132mm for plenty of storage options'. '.strtoupper('t')his unit also features a fully reces...

Price: £981.43Details | Purchase

Click to view product details and reviews for Barton Storage Barton Topstore 013078 Louvre Panel Cabinet 120 Red And 110 Blue Bins.

This cabinet is ideal for parts storage in a workshop, garage, stockroom or warehouse and offers 120 x tc1 red l90 x w100 x h50mm 80 x tc2 blue l165 x w100 x h75mm 30 x tc3 blue l240 x w150 x h132mm for plenty of storage options'. '.strtoupper('t')hi...

Price: £969.65Details | Purchase

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Wholesale and Trade - Product Search and Price Comparison - For Event and Leisure Related Businesses