Please read our answers to some of your common questions |
Can I list my products without advertising in the
directory? |
Due to the interaction between our Product Search and
Suppliers Directory areas product feed listing on Villagefetes is only available
to advertisers listed within our Suppliers Directory. In order to promote your products within our Product
Search and Price Comparison you must have an entry within our directory areas. |
Where do I store my product feed file for Villagefetes to
access? |
You will need to create a top level accessible folder called
"villagefetes" (all lowercase) within your website to store your product feeds.
Please refer to our product feed guide for more help. |
When and how often will my product feed be updated? |
Product feeds are retrieved on the 1st of every month (from
1am) and imported/updated on the first working day thereafter,
manual product feeds (Option 1) must be uploaded
to Villagefetes beforehand and automatic URL product feeds must be in your
website "feeds" folder. |
Do I need to create and submit a new feed file name for
each update? |
No, simply overwrite the existing feed file in your
"villagefetes" folder using exactly the same file name you provided us with. |
Product feed formats |
Our software can parse most XML Formats and CSV Formats into
our databases. Use our feed checker
if in any doubt and refer to our product feed guide for more help. |
Product review policy |
Every product review is checked and approved by Villagefetes
before it is displayed on the website. Although we will allow site users to
review, rate and submit positive and negative constructive comments about
individual products, Villagefetes will not allow any comments which are
inflammatory, in relation to any customer disputes, targeted to an individual,
company or business to be displayed. |
What is product price update time lapse? |
Product feeds are static files updated by you, placed within
your website and uploaded to your server for Villagefetes to access once a
month. The connection between Villagefetes and your product feed is not a
live connection. Therefore any new updates or price changes you make in your
feed lets say middle of the month will not be displayed until we access and
update your feed into our database on the scheduled update day. As a result you
may find that some products display incorrect details that differ from your own
website. Ways to limit product price time lapse may be to consider: 1.
Scheduling price updates closer to Villagefetes update day. 2. Replace prices in
your feed with something like "POA" 3. Add to your product description a "Price
valid until date" or "Visit our website for up to date prices". |
Billing and payments |
Your product feed listing account will run parallel to your
Suppliers Directory advertising account. Both will commence at the same date and
will end on the same date (12 months from the 1st day of the following month
after adverts are taken out). However if you include your product feed a quarter
or half way through your advertising period you will only be billed for the
remaining months. |