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Biolite Bio Fuel Pellets 1kg

Biolite Bio Fuel Pellets 1kg


Available from  The Glow Company UK Ltd


Product details - Go for a long burn with these premium all natural and food safe hardwood pellets, the perfect accompaniment to our biolite campstove, kelly kettle base camp, and kelly kettle trekker which all run on twigs and pinecones etc, but if you're in a fix and can't find any dry wood these will work brilliantly, they burn much hotter, last longer, and create less ash'. '.strtoupper('t')his 1kg bag of pellets is the equivalent to 2 x small gas canisters that are typically used on camping stoves, or in boiling water terms, enough to boil up 15 litres of water'. '.strtoupper('t')hese pellets are classed as a bio fuel, because the carbon dioxide that was absorbed by the wood it is made from, is equal to the carbon dioxide that is released when the fuel is burned'. '.strtoupper('t')his means it doesn't release any extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere'. '.strtoupper('s')ingle bag provides two hours cooking time with minimal refuelingprovides hot strong fire to cook meals or use as easy backup when camping in damp environmentsfor use with biolite campstove

The Glow Company UK Ltd -

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The Glow Company UK Ltd

Biolite Bio Fuel Pellets 1kg



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Wholesale and Trade - Product Search and Price Comparison - For Event and Leisure Related Businesses