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Pro Tools Artist 1 Year Subscription

Pro Tools Artist 1 Year Subscription


Available from  Gear4music


Product details - Pro tools artist 1 year subscription provides you with a continuous license for pro tools artist without the need for renewal'. '.strtoupper('p')ro tool artist is a fantastic piece of software for up and coming musicians and producers who want to write record and mix top quality music in an industry standard daw'. '.strtoupper('m')ake use of up to 32 audio tracks and 32 instrument tracks to create complex projects mixing to a professional standard with the enormous bank of included plugins'. '.strtoupper('w')ork with pro level mixing and editing workflows and produce top quality audio in any genre'. '.strtoupper('w')hether youre just starting out or youre a seasoned veteran pro tools artist has all of the functionality you need to create excellent music'. '.strtoupper('b')est of all pro tools session files are used in top studios and production houses throughout the music industry'. '.strtoupper('t')hat means you can take your project files with you to practically any producer or studio in the world and easily collaborate on bringing your music to the next level'. '.strtoupper('o')n that note learning to use this software is a huge feather in your cap if you want to work in the industry'. '.strtoupper('p')lease note this product comes in the form of a digital download code that will be sent to your email for activation.

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Pro Tools Artist 1 Year Subs



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Wholesale and Trade - Product Search and Price Comparison - For Event and Leisure Related Businesses