Unfortunately we do not have any information about this particular product, visit the suppliers website for more. Unfortunately we do not have any information about this particular product, visit the suppliers website for more. Blaklader 3439 multinorm long sleeve polo shirt complies withen 1149 5en iso 11612 a1, b1, c1iec 61482 2 class 1 atpv 6,3 cal cm178, haf 73,0%.en iso 20471 class 3 59% modacrylic, 39% cotton, 2% antistatic, pique knitted, flame retardant, antistatic,... Blaklader 3457 fr long sleeve t shirtcomplies withen 1149 5 en iso 11612 a1, b1, c1, e1, f1 iec 61482 2, apc 1 atpv 13,1 cal cm178 48% modacrylic, 42% cotton, 5% aramid, 3% polyamide, 2% antistatic fibre, interlock, flame retardent, antistatic, 250 g... Blaklader 3458 flame retardant sweatshirtcomplies withen iso 11612 a1, b1, c2, f2iec 61482 2, class 1 ebt arc rating 14,8 cal cm178, haf 83,5%en 1149 560% modacrylic, 39% cotton, 1% antistatic, 310 g m178 oeko tex174100 certified material'. '.strtoup... Blaklader 3459 multinorm sweatshirtcomplies withen 1149 5 en iso 20471, class 1 en iso 11612 a1, b1, c2, f2 iec 61482 2, apc 1 ebt 18,4 cal cm17860% modacrylic, 39% cotton, 1% antistatic fibre, fleece, flame resistant, antistatic, 280g m178 external ... Unfortunately we do not have any information about this particular product, visit the suppliers website for more. Unfortunately we do not have any information about this particular product, visit the suppliers website for more. |