For event and leisure



Business plan and cash flow planning continued
Now minus from that figure the fee you had to pay for the pitch at the event let's say £200, the cost of any disposable products and travelling expenses perhaps £100. The figure you are left with is £736, this is your net profit figure and the amount that you are left with to do as you like. Obviously the amounts will alter up or down depending on the amount of ice creams you sell, the price you charge per ice cream and the day to day running expenses plus pitch fees you incur to run your mobile ice cream business.     

Now from using that basic equation you should be able to work out (assuming that you can repeat those amount of sales at least once a week or over a week) your expected turnover, gross and net profits. £1,152 sales x 26 summer weeks = £29,952 x 90% = £26,956 gross profit - expenses £7,800 = £19,156 net profit.

Not quite the tens of thousands of pounds per event but still a respectable income over six months that with a possible extra reduction in business expenses could easily raise the figure to over £20,000 per season. However, a word of warning at this point should be noted, the above calculations are based upon you selling ice creams alone and does not take into account, nor has it been calculated that your sales figure may include lower profit margin products such as soft drinks, impulse ice creams or confectionery.

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The initial idea
Have you ever considered starting your own mobile ice cream business?
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What's involved
It looks so easy, but what's it really like running your own mobile ice cream business?
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Where to trade
Plan where your customers will be and where you can legally trade.
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Be imaginative
Adapt and offer new ice cream products without big changes to your mobile ice cream business.
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Business plan
Financial planning is essential for your new mobile ice cream business.
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Improving your gross profit margin
The less money that it costs you to buy the initial ingredients for the finished product that you are selling the better your gross profit margin percentages will be. Look at ways to reduce the cost of those ingredients perhaps by negotiating and ordering larger quantities, look at portion control, can you guarantee that every same item you sell costs the same to produce. Look at where you buy your ice cream ingredients, have you tried ice cream wholesalers and manufacturers, frozen food distributors and cash and carry outlets. Without compromising the quality of your ice cream products it is possible to make savings, 5 pence saved on the cost of every ice cream can make an enormous difference, if you sell 1000 ice creams you will make an extra £50.00 profit. If you sell a 1000 ice creams or ices a week, that's £2,600 a year and so on.     

Self assessment tax forms

Although many people like to do and submit their own self assessment tax returns according to recent published articles up to 30% of returns are completed incorrectly. Far easier to employ the services of a good accountant who will, over the years save you money in the long run. For those with very small businesses employing an accountant may seem like an unnecessary expense, but as that small business develops into a bigger business with more complex finances your accountant will be able to help and advise on how you can reduce your future tax liabilities and bills. Many accountants base their fees upon how complex your finances are and the amount of time anticipated to complete your accounts, so the more well kept and organised your records and receipts the cheaper your accountants bill will be.

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