For event and leisure



What will it cost to expand?
With all the excitement and planning to expand your mobile ice cream business it's easy to overlook some of the not so obvious cost that may arise. Before you start to put your business expansion plans into action you need to make doubly sure that you have looked at every possible cost that may be incurred from every possible angle. Unexpected cost and expenses if not budgeted for could ruin your expansion plans. 

Expanding your mobile ice cream business will almost definitely mean that you will need additional ice cream vans or trailers, which in turn may lead to unforeseen costs for overnight secure storage and parking of your new ice cream units. Unless you already have adequate space available this will be a new ongoing expense. A new fleet of ice cream vans may also need sign writing with your business livery, logo and details to match your existing ice cream vans or trailers.

With more ice cream vans operating you will probably find that you need to store and hold more ice cream products, your refrigeration and freezer capacity will need to be increased along with a suitable storage area for disposable and non refrigerated products. This may mean that you might eventually have to step up to a small industrial unit or suitable commercial premises which will mean having to pay rent and business rates.

Finally you will need to staff your ice cream vans, you cannot operate several ice cream vans by yourself so you are going have to look at employing help.


Time to expand
Your bookings are increasing, but is it time to expand your business?
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What will it cost
Have you looked at all the possible cost incurred to expand?
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Funding growth
Is it possible to expand without increasing your borrowing?
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Financial planning
Plan your finances well before you take the leap.
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Don't put all your eggs (or choc ices) in one basket.
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Employing help
You can't keep doing everything yourself.
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