Everything you need to help start your own mobile event catering business for free.
Useful business advice, help, ideas and tips
to get your new mobile outdoor event catering business started.
How to start applying for concessions at
events Your first reaction is probably to rush out and buy all the local papers and
publications that have events listed and get on the telephone to the organisers.
Before you do, stop and take a few minutes to read the next paragraphs, we might
be able to save you a few pounds and we will definitely be able to bring the
events and event organisers to you.
Up until the introduction of the internet the
only way to get into events was to source every single event, find the
organisers contact details, prepare a detailed professional letter about your
business with a recent good quality photo of your catering trailer or stall,
then hope that you may be invited to attend or tender for a concession at the
event. Vice versa, the only way for event organisers to locate mobile caterers
was to visit other events, by word of mouth or to continue using the same mobile
caterer they've had for the past god knows how long, whether they were good or
That system is rapidly becoming a thing of the
past, many event organisers can now source for themselves a different mobile
caterer every year for their event, change the theme of the food to suit the
theme of the event and the standards of mobile catering at events has greatly
improved as a consequence. This advance in technology has taken many stubborn
existing mobile caterers by surprise, particularly where they thought they had
pitches at events sewn up year on year.
If you have an unbiased view or tip regarding a product, piece of machinery, on any page within our business start up area, here's your chance to let everyone know and read about it.