For event and leisure



Licensing laws
The Licensing Act 2003 transfers responsibility for the licensing of premises such as pubs, nightclubs, off licences and restaurants to sell and supply alcohol away from the magistrates court to the council. Existing legislation concerning public entertainment, theatres, cinemas and late night refreshment licensing has also been replaced under the Act - all these activities are now covered by the law.

Late night supply of hot food refreshments
This part of the licensing law will affect mobile catering businesses and means the supply of hot food or hot drink to the public, for consumption on or off the premises, between 11.00pm and 5.00am. It includes takeaways, cafes, fast food outlets and mobile catering vehicles. Premises or mobile caterers that provide late night refreshment will need to hold a Premises Licence.

So if you provide hot food refreshments between the  hours stated above you will need to apply for a license from your local council, if you're not sure whether you fall into this category or not, check with them first. A license will cost you money and you will need to weigh up whether opening during those hours is financially viable and worth the additional expense.      

However there are a few exceptions within the licensing law for "late night refreshments" which we have included on the next page for your general guidance.

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Important step  
Regulations are in place to protect the public from risks.
Find out more

Food safety
What to expect and how to comply with food regulations.
Find out more 

Hazard analysis
What is it and how to prepare one.
Find out more

Licensing laws
After hours trading laws apply to you.
Find out more

Insurance cover
Required by law.
Find out more

Roadside trading
Store fronts and travelling to events outside your area.
Find out more

Local councils
Find your local environmental health department.
Find out more


The information provided here regarding the licensing laws has been simplified and made relevant to mobile catering businesses only. Laws and regulations change often and we strongly advise that you contact your local council if you anticipate that any of your business activities will fall within the above mentioned criteria or you are in any way uncertain.

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