For event and leisure



Trailer or van cover
Now that you've made sure that any claims against you have been well covered, you now need to make sure you have adequate cover should somebody decide to run off with your catering trailer, equipment, stock or days takings. Catering trailers and vans can be covered for accidental damage, fire damage, theft of the trailer, catering equipment, stock and money.   

Cover while towing your catering trailer
Your normal car insurance policy will not normally cover you for towing a catering trailer and you must ensure that your car or commercial vehicle insurance provider understands that you will be often towing a catering trailer and make arrangements for suitable cover. Should your catering trailer be damaged, cause damage or injury to yourself or any third party you may be liable to prosecution under the road traffic act and will not be covered for any possible legal claims that may be made against you.   

Security devices and storage
Generally speaking the more security you provide on your catering trailer and the safer it is stored at night the lower your premiums will be. Most insurance companies offer discounts so shop around and get the best deal but most importantly get the right cover. We have a range of specialist mobile catering insurance providers under our business services directory area who will be able to offer more specialist insurance advice to suit your individual requirements.



Important step  
Regulations are in place to protect the public from risks.
Find out more

Food safety
What to expect and how to comply with food regulations.
Find out more 

Hazard analysis
What is it and how to prepare one.
Find out more

Licensing laws
After hours trading laws apply to you.
Find out more

Insurance cover
Required by law.
Find out more

Roadside trading
Store fronts and travelling to events outside your area.
Find out more

Local councils
Find your local environmental health department.
Find out more



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